What We Offer

An easy and engaging way to learn the right Spanish words and phrases for your job.

In-Person Spanish Intensives

Self-Paced Online Spanish Courses

Work-Related Vocabulary Specific Spanish Courses

A Dynamic and Interactive Learning Environment

Engaging Activities to Optimize Learning

Custom Tailored to Your Business or Workplace

Unique. Interactive. Not like your boring HS school Spanish class!

What We Offer

Custom Spanish Courses offers professional business training for employees to learn work related Spanish. Custom Spanish Courses tailors each Spanish course to meet your business’ specific objectives. Every course is designed to focus on the right words for their specific job.

Participants will acquire language skills through practicing real-life scenario dialogues, interactive activities, games and group work. Participants will walk away with valuable skills and be able to speak Spanish more effectively with the Spanish speaking community.

 Learning a new language doesn’t have to be a dry or difficult experience. It can be fun and engaging.

Curriculum Development

Custom Spanish Courses prides itself on creating high quality courses, guaranteed to foster learning. A great deal of time goes into creating a curriculum. Gathering relevant materials, creating each activity to optimize learning, integrating subject centered and learner centered principles. Building the curriculum entails determining what vocabulary will be most useful, researching ways in which it is used, designing a variety of activities that are dynamic and engaging, integrating relevant cultural components, putting all the pieces together to create a flow which makes learning fun, easy and the day fly by. For online courses there is the additional time needed to record, edit and publish each video.

The pay off is worth it. Clients get a course designed to meet their specific needs and goals.

Custom Spanish Courses Provides an Interactive Environment

Courses can range from a half-day training to a 10-day intensive.

  • Half day training participants can pick up some key Spanish phrase for their job.

  • Multi day intensive course participants gain the opportunity to be saturated in the language and really put their new language skills to work.

  • Online courses - Custom tailored

Whichever type of courses best suits your business needs Custom Spanish Courses will provide quality curriculum, dynamic instructor, and a fun and interactive environment for learning a new language.

Components of Curriculum Development

  • Step 1—Problem Identification and General Needs Assessment

  • Step 2—Targeted Needs Assessment

  • Step 3—Goals and Objectives

  • Step 4—Educational Strategies

  • Step 5—Implementation

  • Step 6—Concepts for Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Curriculum

  • Step 7 - In addition, online courses require recording, editing and publishing each video